Latest micro-posts
I just pushed my first unsupervised minor update to the Vivaldi stable stream. Let’s hope I’m better at this than Crowdstrike. Posted on Vivaldi Social on
Is it time to disable Secure Boot for good? Most hardware manufacturers have been using known sample keys, and Microsoft just nuked dual-booting systems trying to make an adjustment to Secure Boot. Is there any value left in the system for a Linux user? or even a Windows user? #SecureBoot Posted on Vivaldi Social on
Randall Munroe deserves a comedy award for #XKCD. He never ridicules or throw punches. It has been nothing but good clean fun for years on end. Is there an award for that? if not, there should be. Posted on Vivaldi Social on
I bought #SinsOfASolarEmpire2 through Steam and have been looking forward to playing it all week. However, I can‘t launch the game because of digital rights management tech gone wrong: 😢 “Epic Game Ownership is unknown. You must start the game when connected to Epic at least once before playing offline.” The error isn’t wrong, I do indeed not own the game on Epic. I did, however, purchase it legitimately. #DRMfail Posted on Vivaldi Social on
I spent €300 on fancy laundry baskets with separate sorting compartments. Did anyone say obsessive-compulsive disorder? 💸 #OCD Posted on Vivaldi Social on
Check out my new “Gummiboot” theme for Vivaldi! #darkTheme #greenTheme #rubberBoat #rubberBoot #vivaldiThemes #intentionallyLowContrast
(The preview on the themes gallery page is somewhat misleading.) Posted on Vivaldi Social on